Violence Against Women

A suggested bibliography сompiled by A. Regamey and on-line ressources (last update May 2011)

Books and academic publications

Attwood, Lynne, “She Was Asking for It : Rape and Domestic Violence against Women” in Mary Buckley, Post-Soviet Women from the Baltic to Central Asia, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p 99-118

Buckley, Mary, ‘The Politics Surrounding Gender Issues and Domestic Violence in Russia: What Is to Be Done, By Whom and How?’, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, (2010)  26: 3, p 435-444

Gondolf Edward W. and Dmitri Shestakov, “Spousal Homicide in Russia. Gender Inequality in a Multifactor Model”, Violence Against Women October 1997 vol. 3 no. 5 533-546 (available on-line)

Hemment, Julie, “Gendered Violence in Crisis: Russian NGOs Help Themselves to Liberal Feminist Discourse”, Anthropology of East Europe Review, 17 N°1, Spring 2009, pp 35-38

Hemment, Julie, Empowering Women in Russia: Activism, Aid, and NGOs (New Anthropologies of Europe), Indiana University Press, 2007

Johnson, Janet E.  “Domestic Violence Politics in Post-Soviet States.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society, 2007, 14 (3): 1-26.

Johnson, Janet E.  “Public-Private Permutations: Domestic violence crisis centers Barnaul.” in Russian Civil Society: A Critical Assessment. Eds. Al Evans, Laura Henry and Lisa McIntosh Sundstorm. M.E. Sharpe., 2005,  pp 266-83.

Johnson, Janet E., Privatizing Pain: The Problem of Woman Battery in Russia”, NWSA Journal – Volume 13, Number 3, Fall 2001, pp. 153-168

Johnson, Janet E., Gender violence in Russia : the politics of feminist intervention,   Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2009

Johnson, Janet E. “Violence against women in Russia” in  Ruling Russia : law, crime, and justice in a changing society, edited by William Alex Pridemore, Boulder/ New York, Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2005

Johnson, Janet E., Saarinen, Aino, “ Assessing civil society in Putin’s Russia: The plight of women’s crisis centers”, Communist & Post-Communist Studies, March 2011, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p41-52

Khodyreva, Natalia, “Sexism and Sexual abuse in Russia” in  Women in a Violent World: Feminist analyses and Resistance across ‘Europe’, edited by Ch. Corrin, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1996, p 27-40

Post, Dianne, “Domestic Violence in Russia”, Journal of Gender Studies vol 9, n° 1, 2000, p 81-83

Saarinen, Aino and Elaine Carey-Belanger, Crisis Centres and Violence against Women: Dialogue in the Barents Region, Oulu, Finland, Oulu University Press, 2004, (available on-line)

Stuvøy Kirsti, “Symbolic Power and (In)Security. “The Marginalization of Women’s Security in Northwest Russia”, International Political Sociology, Vol.4 N°4, December 2010

Zakirova, Venera, “War against the Family: Domestic Violence and Human Rights in Russia – A View from the Bashkortostan Republic.” Current Sociology, Jan 2005, Vol. 53 Issue 1, p75-91

Weiler, Jonathan Human rights in Russia : a darker side of reform, Boulder, Colo./ London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004 (See chapter “Violence against women and state indifference”)

Weldon, S. Laurel, Protest, Policy and the Problem of Violence against Women: a Cross-National Comparison, Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh press, 2002

Антонова Ю. « Право женщин на свободу от насилия: анализ практик применения законодательства » in  Гендерные отношения в современной России: исследования 1990-х годов: Сборник научных статей/ Под ред. Л.Н. Попковой, И.Н. Тартаковской. Самара: Изд-во «Самарский университет», 2003  (violence against women in Russia, the way institutions and society deal with it and legal reforms needed)

Горшкова И.Д., Шурыгина И.И. « Насилие против жен как проблема социологического анализа », Общество и гендер. Материалы летней школы в Рязани, Рязань, 2003.(Theories of domestic violence / domestic violence in Russia)

Горшкова, И.Д., Шурыгина, И.И., “Насилие над женами в российских семьях”, М.: 2003 (электронная версия)

Здравомыслова Елена, « Сексуальное насилие: реконструкция женского опыта (эссе) » in Дмитрий Буланин,Сборник:В поисках сексуальности, 2002 (on the cultural paradigm of sexual harassment and sexual violence in interethnic relations)

Куприянова, Ирина, « Насилие в отношении гомосексуальных женщин: повседневный опыт », Насилие и социальные изменения, 2003, (Violence against homosexual women- analysis based on the work of a social centre)

Муравьева, Марианна, « Методологические проблемы современной историографии сексуального насилия на Западе и в России », Гендерные исследования, № 13, 2006  (Different theories of sexual violence + state of art in Russia)

Салагаев А.Л., Шашкин А.В. « Насилие в молодежных группировках как способ конструирования маскулинности », Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии, Т. V. – №1, 2002. – C. 151-160. (Violence in youth groups as a way of constructing masculinity)

Ходырева, Наталия, «Причины физического насилия: сущность рода или дизбаланс власти?», Новое литературное обозрение, Сборник:О муже(N)ственности. Сост. С. Ушакин, 2001 (The causes of physical violence : gender attribute or difference of power ? Different theories on male aggressivity + case study)

Reports by International Organisations, International or Russian NGOs

Amnesty International, Russian Federation : Nowhere to turn. Violence against woman in the family, 14 December 2005 AI Index: EUR 46/056/2005

ANNA National Centre for the Prevention of Violence, with the support of FIDH Violence against women in the Russian Federation. Alternative Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women” 46th session, July 2010

Human Rights Watch, Too Little: Too Late State Response to Violence Against Women, 1996

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, « Russie : information sur la protection offerte par l’État aux victimes de violence conjugale (janvier 2000- juillet 2004) », 22 July 2004, RUS42803.EF

OHCHR, Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Yakin Ertürk. Addendum : Mission to the Russian Federation, E/CN.4/2006/61/Add.2, 26 January 2006

OMCT, Violence against Women in Russia. A Report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2003

Report on the implementation in the Russian Federation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (sixth and seventh periodic reports) – State Report to to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women”,  march 2009, UN Document CEDAW/C/USR/7

UNDP, UNIFEM, UNFPA, UNESCO, UN, Gender equality and extension of women rights in Russia in the context of the Millennium Development Goals, 2005 (see gender aspects of violence in Russia p 28-31)

UNFPA, Насилие в семье – насилие в обществе. Отчет о проведении исследования, (Violence in the family – Violence in the society: research report- (in Russian) 2007

UNFPA-UNIFEM,  Насилие в семье – насилие в обществе, (Violence in the family – Violence in the society. Red. T. Zabelina), Moscow, 2002

Московская Хельсинкская группа, Дискриминация женщин в современной России, (ред С. Лукашевский, Т. Локшина, А. Новикова), 2003 года. (Discrimination against women in Russian society ; chapters on violence + violence during the war in Chechnya)

Центр АННА Между молчанием и криком. История, культура, политика и домашнее насилие, (Марина Писклакова, Андрей Синельников), Москва, 2004

Центр АННА, Насилие в отношении женщин : опыт стран Восточной Европы, Центральной Азии и России. Сборник материалов по итогам Неправительственных Региональных консультаций со Специальным Докладчиком ООН по проблеме насилия в отношении женщин, его причинах и последствиях Якин Эртюрк, 17-19 сентября 2008, Москва, 2008 (Results of a joint roundtable of Russian, East European and Central Asian NGO with the Special rapporteur on violence against women)

Центр АННА, Территория Молчания. Права женщин и проблема насилия в отношении женщин  в России. Под редакцией Марины Писклаковой и Андрея Синельникова, Москва, 2009 (The territory of silence. Women rights and the problem of violence against women in Russia)

Web-Sites on violence against women and gender-studies : Anna Centre (Moscow) – National Centre on the Prevention of Violence (in Russian). Different aspects of the work of Anna Centre (national network against violence, work with state institutions, women rights, publications). Information on different form of violence against women. Advises and contacts of crisis / social centres in main Russian towns. : Portal on the Problem of Violence (in Russian). Materials on aspects of violence against women (harassment, gender violence, trafficking, psychological violence, etc.), advises on how to behave in case of violence, contact information of different centres : Institute of Non-discriminatory Gender Relations. Crisis centre for women (mainly in Russian). Crisis Centre in St Petersburg, Information on different actions and awareness-raising : “Alexandra” crisis Centre, St Petersburg (in Russian) – social and juridical help for women victims of violence – Prevention of Human Trafficking in the Russian Federation (IOM – EU web site) (in Russian and English) : Youth Movement “Stop Violence” (in Russian) : Live Journal of the Feminist Community “Women always have the choice : feminism or masochism” (in Russian) : Russian section of the Committee for a Worker’s International (in Russian) – Campaign for gender equality and against gender violence : Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanitarian University, St Petersburg (in English and Russian). Master’s Programme, Publications and On-line gender library : Information Portal « Women and Society » (Open Women Line). Several On line Publications, but no update after 2008. : Moscow Centre for Gender Studies. Information resource for the promotion of Gender equality (in Russian and English) : Kharkov Centre for Gender Studies. Universty Network for Gender Studies for Former USSR Countries. (In Russian and English). Since 1998, the Kharkov centre publishes the journal Gender studies (in Russian) : Institute for Social and Gender politics (mainly in Russian) – resource centre for women and women organisations on question of gender equality.

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