Victor A. Shnirelman
“Threshold of Tolerance:” Ideology and Practice of the New Racism. In two vols. Moscow: NLO, 2011 Vol. 1 – 552 pp., Vol.. 2 – 848 pp. ill. (in Russian)
Шнирельман В.А. «Порог толерантности»: Идеология и практика нового расизм. В 2-х томах. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2011. — Т.1— 552 с.: ил. / Т.2 — 856 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86793-874-1
V. A. Shnirelman, Moscow based anthropologist and specialist on racism, discrimination and far right movements, has just published a new book on racism. The book is published by NLO
The book offers a complete overview of new theorizations and discussions on racism all over the world. Special chapters are dedicated to those problems in Russian contemporary society. it can be also used as a textbook for students.
Part I. Races and racism
Chapter 1. What is racism?
Chapter 2. Racism or racisms?
Chapter 3. Origins and evolution of racism
Chapter 4. Hard struggle against racism
Chapter 5. Race in contemporary science
Chapter 6. UNO and UNESCO declarations on race and racism
Chapter 7. What do “races” mean in various countries?
Chapter 8. Racism changes its face
Chapter 9. New Right and “cultural racism”
Chapter 10. Immigrants, globalization and “cultural racism”
Chapter 11. “New racism” in the USA
Part II. Ethno-racial ideologies in Russia
Chapter 1. Pre-Soviet sources of biological determinism
Chapter 2. Soviet anthropologists against racism
Chapter 3. From class struggle to ethnic discrimination
Chapter 4. From ethnicization to racialization: legacy of the Soviet scholarship
Chapter 5. Traps and dangers of culture-centrism
Chapter 6. Biologization of ethnicity and “national character”
Chapter 7. Racial discourse in society and in politics
Chapter 8. Civilizational approach and xenophobia
Part III. Anti-immigrant attitudes and racism
Chapter 1. Post-Soviet migrations and migrants
Chapter 2. The Kuban’ approach
Chapter 3. Social alarms and discrimination
Chapter 4. Ethnicity and criminality
Chapter 5. Explosions, pogroms and ethnic cleansing
Chapter 6. Crisis of 2008-2009 and migration issue
Chapter 7. “Old racism” is coming back
Part IV. Opinion polls and their results
Chapter 1. The triumph of ethnicity
Chapter 2. Xenophobia and its trajectory
Chapter 3. Anti-Caucasian attitudes
Chapter 4. Media’s role
Chapter 5. Willing for discrimination
Chapter 6. Growth of neo-conservatism and anti-Westernism
Chapter 7. Identity and xenophobia
Chapter 8. Conclusions
Part V. Skinheads
Chapter 1. In the beginning
Chapter 2. Political support
Chapter 3. Cult of violence and its builders
Chapter 4. Skin-culture and its development
Chapter 5. Skinheads and their sympathizers
Chapter 6. Media and migrants
Chapter 7. Skinheads and authorities
Chapter 8. Aryan ideology and skinheads’ identity
Chapter 9. Football fans, skinheads and the police
Chapter 10. “Race war” in the cities
Chapter 11. The police response and activity of the right radicals
Chapter 12. Conclusions
Conclusions. Contemporary xenophobia and reasons for it
List of illustrations
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Anne Le Huérou (May 24, 2011). V.A. Shnirelman’s New Book – “Tolerance Threshold” : Ideology and Practice of the New Racism. Understanding Violence in Russia. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from